Asbestos Survey Services.

Uncover Peace of Mind.

Committed to impartial advice and innovative solutions.

Types of Asbestos Surveys.

Asbestos Management Surveys

Asbestos Refurbishment and demolition Surveys

Re-inspection Asbestos Surveys

Who needs an asbestos survey?

Anyone responsible for the maintenance, renovation, or demolition of a building, or who is concerned about potential health risks, should consider getting an asbestos survey.

Our experienced team is equipped to deliver top-tier asbestos surveying solutions across New Zealand, ensuring the safety and compliance of your property.

Our Asbestos Survey Process.

Our asbestos survey process is designed to ensure the safety and compliance of your property.

Based on the findings, we provide a comprehensive report outlining the presence of asbestos and offering recommendations for safe management or removal.

Initial consultation

Site Inspection

Sample Collection and Analysis

Reporting and Recommendations

Meet our friendly team.

Asbestos can be found in both the surfaces and the fabric of buildings. Testing is a crucial step in identifying and managing risks Do you just want to know if there is asbestos in your property or workplace? Are you planning renovations or demolition?

Asbestos Management Survey.

An Asbestos Management Survey is the standard asbestos survey required on any building, and an important step to producing your Asbestos Management Plan.

Its primary objective is to identify the presence and extent of potential Asbestos Containing Materials within the building that might be at risk of damage or disturbance during regular use. Our experienced team is equipped to deliver top-tier asbestos surveying solutions across the nation, ensuring the safety and compliance of your property.

Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys.

Asbestos Refurbishment and Demolition Surveys play a crucial role in identifying and detailing Asbestos Containing Materials, especially in areas slated for intrusive maintenance, repair, refurbishment, or demolition activities.

This survey necessitates comprehensive access, even to challenging-to-reach areas. Conducting Asbestos Refurbishment Surveys and Asbestos Demolition Surveys is not just best practice; it's a stringent regulatory requirement. Any Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) with management or control over a workplace is obligated to undertake these surveys before initiating any refurbishment or demolition work. Ensuring safety and compliance is paramount, and our expert team is well-equipped to assist you in meeting these essential obligations.

Re-inspection Asbestos Surveys.

Over time, Asbestos Containing Materials can degenerate or be accidentally damaged, causing the level of risk to change substantially.

The New Zealand law requires that their condition be inspected regularly, and records updated accordingly. Our asbestos surveyors can re-inspect premises and provide these updates to ensure compliance information is maintained and the original asbestos survey data is used effectively.

Why Use Us.

Our Licensed Assessors have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience surveying, identifying, sampling, and working with asbestos, and understand the risks involved.

We work together with you and Asbestos Removal Contractors to achieve safety of your teams, projects and premises

Our core assessment services include provision of:

  • Compliance Air Monitoring

  • Personal Air Monitoring

  • Leak Air Monitoring

  • Reassurance Air Monitoring

  • Background Air Monitoring

  • Clearance Procedures for ‘Class A’ and ‘Class B’ Removal Works

  • Certificates of Reoccupation

Ready to breathe easy?

Contact us for your asbestos surveying requirements.

We’ look forward to helping you! Please get in touch and one of our consultants will get in contact.